On October 3rd, 2020, The Rotary Club of Georgetown organized and led an ambitious project to plant 2020 trees along the Hungry Hollow Trail network in Halton Hills. This initiative, “Planting For Our Future,” was part of the club’s goal to positively impact the natural environment of our town for generations while recognizing the club's 65th Anniversary.
“We decided, what better way to celebrate our anniversary in 2020, than to come together with members of the Georgetown community, to plant two thousand and twenty trees,” said Mike Elsey, Club President and project lead. “This would be ten times larger than any previous tree planting in Georgetown!”
The initiative was over one year in planning, involving extensive consultations with municipal government and local conservation authorities. The ever-changing landscape of COVID-19 created volunteer restrictions and several unforeseen challenges. The club adapted and persevered.
At 9am on October 3rd the Rotary Club of Georgetown, along with 80 volunteers, planted 1,750 trees, in thick grass, up hills, in clay and rocky soil, along the trail. Though it was VERY hard work, the day was filled with smiles, laughter, and socially distanced group pictures. Together, with the community of Georgetown, we planted a forest.
While the sun was setting, our club and volunteers realized that our ambitious goal would take more than a day to achieve. Not to be discouraged, the unanimous decision was made to continue on. Finding time throughout the next week, members planted in the area. Within 6 days, all the trees had found a home in Halton Hills and the Rotary Club of Georgetown had met the goal of planting 2020 trees!
Our goal could not have been achieved without the funding provided by TD Friends of the Environment, the Town of Halton Hills, and a generous contribution by an anonymous club member.